quicksilver ceilidh band

sound and video

 Drops of Brandy  This studio track features the augmented band, with Graeme Taylor (electric guitar) and Andy Dewar (drums). It's a rocking set of slip jigs (9/8 time) which we use for one of our most popular and exciting dances, the Strip the Willow. It's heads down, shake out the hair, and back to 1973!  download mp3(3.4mb)
 Shetland Waltzes  Chris brought back these tunes frrom Shetland, where he is a regular at the Folk Festival.; we use them either for dancing the waltz or as a listening interlude.  download mp3(o.8mb)
 Puddleglum's  This is a great hornpipe written by accordeon supremo John Kirkpatrick...the jazzy side of ceilidh!  download mp3 (1.1mb)
 Cheyenne  For the dance La Russe we sometimes play this Bill Monroe tune Cheyenne, in "Jazzgrass" style. This live track features Richard Bolton on guitar.  download mp3 (1.4mb)
 Bill Cheatem  A lively old time American tune, including electric guitar and drums  download mp3(1.9mb)
 Domino  A lovely French waltz, played in gypsy jazz style: this one features Richard Bolton on acoustic guitar.  download file (1mb)

These tunes are taken from our new cd, a mixture of live and studio tracks

which displays the full range of line-up and style which Quicksilver can present.

quicksilver cd


Here are some films of us playing with caller Clare Lindley:

Here's another one with Clare, this time at St John's Church, Leytonsotone


Here Clare switches to fiddle, and Mike takes over the calling:




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